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Systec 500/920 C SP-2300B HighSpeed 射出成形機
説明 ユニット 価値
ショット量 cm3 1212
ショット重量 g 1103
ショットスピード mm/s 380
ネジ径 mm 70
射出圧力 MPa 188
ねじの長さ:奥行きの比 -- 20
締付力 kN 5000
オープニングストローク mm 850
タイバー間のスペース mm x mm 920 x 920
金型の厚さ(min) mm 400
金型の厚さ(max) mm 920
油圧突き出しストローク mm 260
油圧による突き出し力 kN 96
ポンプモーター kW 128
暖房能力 kW 27
オイルタンク容量 L 820

Platen Dimension

Machine Dimmension

# Value
A 287 mm
B 0 mm
C 0 mm
D Max 2193 mm
E 3957 mm
L 8385 mm
M Min 8150 mm
Q & A

What is a Picking Robot?

A picking robot in an injection project is a robotic arm which will pick the parts from the mould and have it placed on the conveyor or other automation system to have another processing. The projector will choose a picking robot according to the size of the injection molding machine, the injection cycle time, the weight of the parts etc to choose a picking robot.

picking robot

High Speed Picking Robot SW7112DS

Take the SWITEK hgih speed 3 axis servo robot SW7112DS as an example, with a pay load of 2kg and a dry cycle time of 3.3s only designed for injection molding machine ranging from 150Ton ~ 500Tone, it could be regarded as one of the best picking robot for the thin-wall containers production business with a picking capacity up to 8 cavities of 700ml cups, but if for the picking of a bumper it would not be suitable. Anyway, to choose a picking robot for your injection project, the key point would be:
  • The size of your injection molding machine
  • The weight of the parts and EOAT
  • The total injection cycle
  • The height from the floor to the crane




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