+86 186 5927 5869
Roboplas Onshow 2 Cavities Buckets IML Production with Handle Assembly
Roboplas onshow 2 cavities 1.2 litter buckets side entry IML Solutions with handle assembly at Fakuma 2017.
The globalized increasing of the labour cost make it more and more difficult to make profit for low value added prarts producing. Automation of the production process would be the best way. It's no doubt that to have the handles assembled immediately after the buckets IML produced will increase the production efficiency dramatically. The Roboplas 2 Cavitites buckets IML solutions with handle assembly for sure is an ideal choice for the buckets producers.
As for similar project of a smaller budget, the IML containers can consider a turn-key system made in China. With a complete supplier chain in China and much lower labour cost compared to their European counter parts, SWITEK IML Solutions will provide a system with the cost of only around 35%~45% of their European counter parts and life long online technical support. With a turn-key solution, the mould and the IML automation system would be well tested in China before delivery to ensure that you'll receive a system of buckets IML production with handle assembly ready to work.
+86 186 5927 5869
DongGuan, GuangDong, China
Auxiliary Machinery